
We believe in the strength of bringing people together around common goals and values. Hope Cathedral favors broadly and is boundless. The Ambassador Group of Hope Cathedral will help us succeed with this.

Crown Princess Mette Marit Hope Cathedral

HRH Crown Princess
Mette Marit


We are proud to have Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit as Hope cathedrals patron and our ambassador. Look what she has to say about the project here. (Norwegian)

Celine Kurahachi Manstad


Celine has followed the project from an early stage and uses every spare moment to participate in volunteer work related to the Cathedral of Hope. On June 10, 2019, she stood on the podium and christened the Barge to the Cathedral of Hope when it was launched. A brave and "adult" action by a youth. We are proud and happy that Celine is following the project as godmother.


Gunnar Stålsett

Bishop EM

-Hope Cathedral unites spirituality and politics. Both are important for preserving planet earth as our common living space. Hope Cathedral is a vision that will be beneficiary.

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Nina Jensen

Marine biologist and CEO of REV Ocean

Nina Jensen is a Norwegian marine biologist and CEO of the research and expedition vessel REV Ocean. She is a former Secretary-General of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Norway. In March, 2014, Ms. Jensen joined Young Global Leaders, a network which is an integrated part of the World Economic Forum. She has a degree in marine biology from the James Cook University in Australia and in arctic marine biology from the Norwegian College of Fishery Science. The subject of her master’s thesis was the bearded seal population in the Barents Sea, and she has written about the cod population as well. Ms. Jensen has also worked as project coordinator at Ogilvy & Mather, an advertising agency. She frequently participates in debates on radio and TV.

Ms. Jensen is also a member of the Norwegian environmental organization Future in our hands.

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Ibrahim Kebba Saidy 

Imam: Daru Salaam Islamic Centre, Founder and Chairman: Green Jihad for Peace and Sustainable Development

-As Muslims, the Quran enjoins us to always cooperate in deeds of righteousness and piety. “Hope Cathedral” brings people together and builds bridges across religious, political and scientific divides in order to preserve our planet and save mankind from an impending environmental catastrophe.  It’s an honour to be a part of such a noble project.

Here is a video of him visiting Hope Cathedral.

Stine Torjusen Nygaard

General Manager Climate Partners Viken

- It is said that the plastic whale from 2017 touched an entire world, but it is not enough… We must find ways to stop the development. "Team Hope Cathedral" has created a meeting point regardless of hierarchy and position, religion, age and nationality. A fantastic work of art and a springboard for good thoughts and sharing. The play of colors, the smell of solid wood and the sound of calm… - this is a cathedral of hope. A symbol with the power to create change. I am proud to be an ambassador in such a sincere project.

Bjørn Haugland Hope Cathedral

Bjørn Kjærand Haugland

Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of SKIFT Business Climate Leaders.

- The Hope Cathedral is a powerful idea and a symbol of the environmental challenges of today. As an inclusive platform for dialogue, learning and understanding The Hope Cathedral will inspire collective actions and be a transformative force to make our world a better place. I am honored to become an Ambassador of this important project.

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Hilde Opoku

Special Advisor on the SDG’s to the Minister | Ministry of Finance, Ghana.

-Nature's premises are being restricted at furious speed, and with them our human conditions on Earth. We are the problem and the solution. It’s overwhelming. But if we cling on to hope, join together and utilizes the knowledge and experience we have, all is possible. The project Hope Cathedral, hits me in so many ways. It can be used practically and theoretically working with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, far beyond Goal 14: Life Below Water - even if it is totally fundamental for all life.

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Bård Vegar Solhjell

Director of NORAD and former Secretary-General of WWF

-Ocean plastic waste are one of the biggest environmental challenges we face. Many of us are fond of the ocean, but we are also deeply dependent of it - for food and workplaces. The UN has endorsed the WWF World Wildlife Fund's proposal for a zero vision for ocean plastic, but the problem is urgent and everyone has to contribute. In WWF we share the same driving force we see behind Hope Cathedrals project, namely the love for the sea - and the hope that lies in taking care of it.


Erik Solheim

Former Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme

Erik Solheim is a Norwegian diplomat and former politician (the Socialist Left Party). Between 2016 and 2018 he was Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. 

In 2000 Mr. Solheim was appointed Special Advisor to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served as peace negotiator in Sri Lanka. From 2005 he held the office of Minister of International Development, and from 2007 he also served as Minister of the Environment. He held both offices until 2012. From 2013 Mr. Solheim was Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee. During the Norwegian municipal and county council elections in 2015, he was strategic advisor to the Green Party.

 –Hope is the only means to fight apathy. That is why Hope Cathedral is a timely and important project.


Sunniva Gylver

Pastor in the Church of Norway

-One of my favorite names of God in the Bible is the God of Hope. Without hope, it seems hard to survive and face the overwhelming challenges of this world. The hope AND faith convinced that we are never alone, always loved, and that one day evil, injustice and destructions will end and everything will be good and righteous.

Margaret Mead has said, «Never doubt that small groups of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. In fact, they are the only ones who have ever done it!» The Cathedral of Hope is one of many hope signs for me, where a growing and diverse group of committed people work together to create a visible and spiritual symbol of the struggle for our oceans, for our earth and for all of us


Olav Aaraas

Historian, writer og director of Norsk Folkemuseum

The pollution of the world ocean is the greatest challenge humanity is facing in our time. The ocean is the foundation of all life on earth, and all of us have a responsibility towards it. Hope Cathedral is more than a symbol; it´s a meeting point for all who wants to take care of our beautiful home - our planet. We can only achieve this if we stand together. Faith and love is important, but the most important of all is hope…

Olav Aaraas is a historian, writer and director of Norsk Folkemuseum, a museum located at Bygdøy in Oslo which has an Open-Air Museum with 160 historic buildings. A main attraction is Gol Stave Church from around 1200. He has also been CEO of Norsk Maritimt Museum who has the fight against sea pollution as one of their main tasks.

Solfrid Molland Hope Cathedral

Solfrid Molland

Singer and pianist

Solfrid Molland is a singer and a pianist. She grew up with Russian Gypsy music and Western classical music. Travelling as a busker in Europe, she learnt Gypsy songs from Romany musicians and wrote music inspired by the cathedrals she visited. She has released this music on three albums: Katedral for Tapte Drømmer, Musikken er mitt fedreland og Forvandling. 
In 2015 she was awarded Oslo City’s Artist Prize. 

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Dag Skottene

Former Lecturer of Social Studies

-The main reasons why I want to be an ambassador of Hope Cathedral is that I feel love for the ocean. What we love, we will take care of and protect. The massive plastic pollution makes a strong impression on me. I want to join the vision to transform something bad into something good. In recognizing how vulnerable our nature is, and how dependent we are on it, I want to participate in this effort to reverse the destructive development. I greatly appreciate the open commitment: that the project is broad and boundless - both geographically, internationally and philosophically. The dimension of hope is important. It is about standing together about our basis of life: to be the hope of creation.

Rupinder Kaur Hope Cathedral

Rupinder Kaur

Rupinder is Sikh and part of the Interfaith Climate Network in Norway. She also works as a volunteer for EcoSikh Norway

Rupinder usually works as a data visualization expert in the Norwegian Directorate of Labor and Welfare (2004-). She is a Cand Scient in Mathematics from UIO (1992-1998). Rupinder Kaur Sethi b.1967, grew up in Punjab, India, came to Norway in 1990 and now lives on Nesodden (1992-). The international movement EcoSikh aims to create greener soil, promote a healthier lifestyle and make most people aware of the prevention of pollution of the environment we live in. Inspiration comes from 'Pawan Guru, Pani Pita Mata Dharat Mahat.' (The air is our guru , the water is our father, and the earth our mother)

-The Cathedral of Hope is about equality between people across age, nationality and faith. I as a Sikh believe in the same thing. Our sacred book ‘Guru Granth Sahib’ is summarized with the Number 1.1 that is found in everyone, in all people, in all animals, in all plants, in nature. The concept behind the Cathedral of Hope is the same: The sea and hope belong to us all! The Cathedral of Hope is also about transforming evil into good. Plastic from the sea turns into a beautiful plastic painting that will cover the ceiling. As a Sikh, I will work to have a conscious relationship with my weaknesses, transforming these weaknesses into strengths. That is why the Cathedral of Hope is an inspiring project for us Sikhs.


Einar Tjelle

Leader of Interfaith Climate Network in Norway, partner of the Hope Cathedral

- Building the Cathedral of Hope together is exactly what we need in the years we enter. At a time when plastic pollution, greenhouse gases and viruses are limitless, literally, we need a solid collaboration across religions, sectors and national borders. Religion has the ability to mobilize, and has unique narratives and holistic ways of understanding life and creation, which can challenge the short term and irresponsible use of the ocean and ecosystems. I have seen in resent years that the UN sees the unique potential in churches and religions and wants close cooperation to achieve the sustainability goals, says Tjelle. - To protect the sea and the earth together, is to build peace and hope for the future.


Monica Isakstuen

Author and playwright 

-The issues that humans and the Earth are facing have grown so big that they seem insurmountable and impossible to tackle. But that is exactly why I support the Hope Cathedral project. Because when this many people volunteer to clear our beaches of plastic and collect materials for a cathedral made of garbage, hope is no longer just a pretty word or a vague feeling. Once it is standing/drifting/rolling at sea, the Cathedral of Hope will be a visible proof of action and cooperation, of what we can achieve—together. 


Nicholas Holtam

Bishop of Salisbury

-Hope Cathedral is a symbol being created in response to the environmental challenges of our day.  The spirit in which we respond to these will be as important as the actions we take.  I am pleased to become an Ambassador of this important project.


Eirik Myrhaug Partapuoli

Sami og shaman

I want to support Hope Cathedral because the project gives awareness to the circles of the materials. How the oil is pumped up in the North Sea, is made into plastic, returns on our shores and become microplastics that ends up in our bodies and inside our fellow creatures on Earth. We live in a global whole, everything is connected. Hope Cathedral is also connecting various spiritual directions in the project. If the same circles applies for this spiritual work, everyone will, in the end, meet whatever is sent out of spiritual currents, thoughts, feelings and prayers. Since our planet and our lives are threathened by a broad range of challenges, global warming, loss of biological diversity, pandemics and unfair distribution globally etc. - maybe now is the time for creating meeting places to see what we can achieve together? Hope Cathedral creates such a meeting place for the start of a common intention about a sustainable life on Earth.


Emma Oberpaur

Emma - an environmentally committed young woman from Stuttgart, Germany

What’s special about Emma is that she found out about the Hope Cathedral via Google. She came to visit us all the way from Germany together with her family after reading about the project on our website. She is eager to come back, to participate voluntarily. Meanwhile she and her friends are engaged in environmental issues in school and everyday life.

Hear what she says about the project here.


Jonas Orset

Professional Cyclist

-Hope Cathedral symbolizes hope for a good future. For me, the struggle for a healthy, clean and a justified world, is important. Therefore, I think the project of creating a cathedral to give us all hope, and at the same time show us that it is possible to overcome the world's environmental challenges, is incredibly great. It is helping us to see the possibilities, rather than the problems. Hope Cathedral transforms the problem into something positive, and makes us believe that it’s always possible to see the good in something bad. I am proud to be an ambassador.


Rita Eriksen


I am so happy to be a Hope Cathedral ambassador. In my opinion it is only natural that we all take responsibility and do our part for a clean sea. If life in the sea dies, then what do we have? If there is going to be more plastic than fish? If fish, turtles and whales are going to be trapped in nets and plastic and die a slow, painful death? What does that say about us as humans? 


Guerrilla Plastic Movement

We are a group of artists, creators, journalists, photographers and writers

We are honored to be ambassadors of the Hope Cathedral as we share a common engagement and love for the ocean.
Guerrilla Plastic Movement works for a healthy and plastic free ocean using visual, verbal and artistic means; actionart with humor and seriousness. Our group has extensive experience in creative work and communication. We are artists, creators, journalists, photographers and writers. Through this type of engagement and communication, we can also motivate more people to take action to save our oceans.

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Sister Theodora

Anafora Coptic Orthodox Church i Egypt

-I am so happy for the Hope Cathedral project and that it is connected to our Anafora vision of lifting up all people. One of the ways Anafora does this is by taking care of the environment. This is why this innovative project is so important in encouraging everyone to play their part in caring for the environment. 


Helene Bøksle

Singer and songwriter

Helene Bøksle is one of the leading singers in Norway. Helene is known for her spellbinding and captivating voice. She grew up by the fjords and the mountains in the south of Norway, and her music is inspired by the sea, Nordic landscape and culture, and traditional folk music. Helene uses her unique voice to create her own sound and music.

Helene has released six albums, and contributed on a number of recordings with bands and musicians such as Secret Garden, David Urwitz, Jens Gundersen og Staut – as well as the music for the online-game “Age of Conan”, nominated to Hollywood Music Awards

Anne Lene Hompland

Founder and Chair of the Oslo Peace Week Foundation

-The Hope Cathedral is a fantastic initiative that illuminates some of the biggest challenges the world faces today.The initiative is not only a reminder in it´s making and idea, but a real arena for gatherings, showcasing solutions for a sustainable and strong collaboration toward a safer, cleaner and better future for all. And it tells us, that we can, together, each one of us, can make a difference and save the sea and the environment by collaboration.

It is an honor to help spreading this important message and support the initiative and its purpose for the global community.


Camille Parrain

PhD, Associate professor in geography

Camille studies marine uses and seascape (socio cultural and environmental aspects). She mainly focuses on high seas and archipelagos. She has now been living on a boat for 4 years to share her passion and experience of the ocean by linking ocean science, education and society.

The Ocean connects people with Nature. The Ocean is also a philosophy, a teacher, a way of living and of being. The ocean is life. It impacts people in their livelihoods but livelihoods also impact the ocean. Hope Cathedral can be a connection between different cultures, representations and the ocean environment. It is a place that represents understanding, respect, openness, hope and inspiration towards people and the ocean. This is why I am delighted to be an Ambassador of this project.