#hopeinadress | A funding campaign for Hope Cathedral!
One third of the project "Hope Cathedral" will be publicly funded, and we hope that the "Hope in a Dress" campaign can be a fun and exciting way to engage people!
"Hope in a dress" invites YOU to participate by donating a dress. All the dresses will then be embroidered with a nice tag with “Hope in a dress” logo, and sold to fund Hope Cathedral. Maybe you have a dress to donate - and maybe you’ll find a new one at our fancy dress party? We want ALL kinds of dresses: evening dresses, everyday dresses, grandma's old dress - or the dress from “the Auntie in America”. Also christening dresses, wedding dresses, gala dresses and costumes! Also - we want you to write the dress' history and send it to us along with the dress. All dresses have their unique history, whether they’re purchased at H&M or tailor made for a special occasion. Maybe the dress was visiting a special place? Or met some exciting people? Let the dress tell it’s story!
The very finest and special dresses will be auctioned off for the highest bidder.
Saturday, November 9, we open for dress sales and auction at Fredrikstad Library. A wonderful evening where we meet, try dresses and share stories. Maybe we will repeat the event on the International Women's Day, March 8.
Dress for an unknown woman
Hope in a dress is for everyone. Men may also contribute; they can buy gift cards for their wife, mother, girlfriend - or to an unknown woman. Then we give gift cards to use at the “November 9 dress party”, to The Salvation Army, The Church City Mission, National Blue Cross Organizations, and other organizations who can pass the dresses on to women who may not be able - or can’t afford to buy a dress themselves.
Click the yellowish button if you want to buy gift cards.
1 giftcard for November 9 dress party: $30
Dresses can be delivered or shipped to:
Hope Cathedral /Håpets katedral AS
Mindre Alvsvei 5, 1672 Kråkerøy Norway.
- or delivered to Fredrikstad library.
Contact: Anne: anne@hopecathedral.no, phone: +4795912552 Solveig: phone: +4741512518, or Siw Amina: siwamina@hopecathedral.no, phone: +4746917472.
Dress party at Fredrikstad Library, November 9.